Friday, April 17, 2009

pattern to make re-usable swiffer rags!

I looooove my swiffer sweeper and my swiffer wetjet.
But I don't love the price of the replacement rags. I've taken to using microfiber cloths because they stick well to the little Velcro pieces on the swiffers and are machine washable.

But I came across this pattern to make crochet swiffer rags! If you can crochet you may want to check this out!

Thanks to tipnut for the information!

Monday, April 6, 2009


At church yesterday the pastor of course had some inspiring words. But what really stuck with me was that as humans we have this desire to idolize someone. All too often we idolize rock stars, professional athletes, and movies stars. But those people are just that...people; with their flaws, problems, and trials.
So instead of idolizing 'images' we need to idolize Him. and by doing that we can be the best person He intended us to be.


FREE movie rental!

Here is the code for today's free movie rental at any Redbox location: TS473G

The code works only for today Monday April 6th!

When you select a movie and add it to your cart at the bottom of the screen there will be a tab saying 'add promo code' hit that tab and then enter the code and you're good to go!The code gives you ONE NIGHT free rental. If you keep the movie another night you'll be charged a $1 then on out.


FIVE coupon inserts!

Holy smokes batman!
There were FIVE coupon inserts this weekend in my paper.
Be sure to stock up on inserts if you can! and don't forget there won't be any next Sunday since it's Easter!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

chili casserole

During the fall, winter, spring...and sometimes summer, this is a quick, easy go-to recipe of mine. and boy is it frugal! all the ingredients usually end up costing about 2.50 total. My mom of course copied the recipe from her mom, the only difference is that my Granny would use Frito's instead of tortilla chips.

Without further ado! Here is the cast of characters:

-can of chili
-cheddar cheese
-tortilla chips
-cornbread mix

step one:

Layer some of the chili on the bottom of an oven safe dish.

step two:
On top of that, layer chips and cheese. I tend to use a lot of chips, but go with your gut on how
much YOU would like in it.

step three:

Put the rest of the chili on top of the other layers.

step four:

Cover with tin foil. bake about 40 minutes in a 375 degree oven. (if you're making this for a larger amount of people just double the chili quantities but increase baking time/temp)

After the casserole is in the oven I usually make the cornbread and bake it too. It takes less time over all so I start the casserole first.

step five:

EAT this cheesy, yummy, FRUGAL dinner!