Saturday, June 6, 2009


I have been on a decorating binge lately.

Scouring home decor blogs and stores like Tar-Jay (target) and TJ Maxx.

I have found some awesome steals that I will post once Hunny (M.) gets the main computer at home up and running in the office.

But I found this print and I want it for above our fireplace:

It's a replica of a WWII or WWI poster Britain put out.
(at least, I am 92.7% sure of that)

It would look perfect with a thick white mat and white frame.

I love it. So clean and classic and inspiring.
Because honestly, hasn't everyone had a day, a moment, an event, a trial, a WEEK, where they just needed to remember to stay calm and carry on because all trials shall pass in their due time?

I may or may not have sent the link with the color I wanted to Hunny as a hint for a 'just because' present.


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