Saturday, June 6, 2009


I have been on a decorating binge lately.

Scouring home decor blogs and stores like Tar-Jay (target) and TJ Maxx.

I have found some awesome steals that I will post once Hunny (M.) gets the main computer at home up and running in the office.

But I found this print and I want it for above our fireplace:

It's a replica of a WWII or WWI poster Britain put out.
(at least, I am 92.7% sure of that)

It would look perfect with a thick white mat and white frame.

I love it. So clean and classic and inspiring.
Because honestly, hasn't everyone had a day, a moment, an event, a trial, a WEEK, where they just needed to remember to stay calm and carry on because all trials shall pass in their due time?

I may or may not have sent the link with the color I wanted to Hunny as a hint for a 'just because' present.


FREE movie rental!

Redbox has given us thrifty folks another free rental code.

It is:

This code expires June 8th (you can use once per debit/credit card)!

When you select a movie and add it to your cart at the bottom of the screen there will be a tab saying 'add promo code' hit that tab and then enter the code and you're good to go!The code gives you ONE NIGHT free rental. If you keep the movie another night you'll be charged a $1 then on out.Enjoy!


i am not dead.


M. and I just moved in to a new condo in the midst of this accelerated graduate course.

My sense of timing always works like that it seems.

I literally haven't stepped foot inside of a grocery store in a month.

But! I am gearing up for Kmart double days and a grocery store run tonight!


Monday, May 4, 2009

oh man!

ok, lovely readers [all two of you :), one being Precious]
I am in the midst of finals. and they are kicking my butt.
The month surrounding mid terms and the month surrounding finals are crrrazy.
and somehow midterms and finals always coincide with the busiest time of the month at work.

I haven't even gone REAL grocery shopping in about 3 weeks! (which is another reason I love couponing-it makes that possible with having a stockpile)

I have been accepted in to a graduate seminar this summer as an undergrad! wooo! I will be taking the Politics of Policy, I love being a poli sci major.

Anyways, my last final is Friday and I CAN NOT WAIT! I have three whole days of no school before the graduate course starts on Tuesday but believe me, I will be partaking in Ernest Hemingway's advice come Friday night :)

I hope all you lovely folks are having CALM, enjoyable days.

Remember, it is in God's hands. What ever 'it' may be for you :)


Friday, April 17, 2009

pattern to make re-usable swiffer rags!

I looooove my swiffer sweeper and my swiffer wetjet.
But I don't love the price of the replacement rags. I've taken to using microfiber cloths because they stick well to the little Velcro pieces on the swiffers and are machine washable.

But I came across this pattern to make crochet swiffer rags! If you can crochet you may want to check this out!

Thanks to tipnut for the information!

Monday, April 6, 2009


At church yesterday the pastor of course had some inspiring words. But what really stuck with me was that as humans we have this desire to idolize someone. All too often we idolize rock stars, professional athletes, and movies stars. But those people are just that...people; with their flaws, problems, and trials.
So instead of idolizing 'images' we need to idolize Him. and by doing that we can be the best person He intended us to be.


FREE movie rental!

Here is the code for today's free movie rental at any Redbox location: TS473G

The code works only for today Monday April 6th!

When you select a movie and add it to your cart at the bottom of the screen there will be a tab saying 'add promo code' hit that tab and then enter the code and you're good to go!The code gives you ONE NIGHT free rental. If you keep the movie another night you'll be charged a $1 then on out.
