Friday, January 30, 2009

free sample!

here is a link for a free sample of crest white strips!
click here my loves

Sunday, January 25, 2009

something frugal i do:


it's so basic but something that's easily over looked. we live in a townhouse and i am constantly turning off the downstairs lights when both M. and i are upstairs. he leaves them on because he'll 'be going back down stairs in a bit' and i kiss him on the cheek and say ever so sweetly 'honey turn them on when you are down there then.'

last night we ordered in Chinese (yay for budget busters!) and we were both going back upstairs to eat and watch TV and he actually turned off the lights downstairs when we headed upstairs! it was sexy! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

i enjoy bracelets.

it's true I do. I think they are sometimes the perfect final piece to finish off an outfit.

what i don't enjoy is figuring out how to keep my bracelets (namely my bangles) organized and together. I've tried the big jewelry box route and it doesn't work for me because after long it's too full so i improvised...

i found this dowel/board contraption at Goodwill for 99cent i think it was a makeshift paper towel rack in its former life. speaking of, a paper towel rack would be perfect; it's what i originally had in mind but the 99cent price tag for this item won me over. i keep my nicer, valuable jewelry still in my jewelry box. this is mainly for my big inexpensive pieces.

anyways, just load the rod up with your bracelets and you're good to go!
here's what it looks like with a few of my bracelets on it:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

a tip...

i love to keep all different pastas on hand at home.

i am a sucker for different shaped pasta.

sooo... that leads me to my tip:

buy pasta in the bulk bins at your grocery store!
(when there aren't any awesome coupons out for pasta of course)

teaching frugalness...

my boyfriend, M (yes we're both M's lol), well his good childhood friend has been unemployed for a few months now. he has worked out an agreement with the landlord to work off his portion of rent (his GF pays her portion) so they don't have to worry about that. but anyways his GF and I were visiting and she was asking me again about couponing.

i made her swear that she'd buy two papers today and she did! so later I am going to go over the basics with her again. Yesterday I showed her my meal plan, my go-to recipes, my coupon organizers and such so hopefully she'll get bit by the coupon bug!

i have compiled a list of rock bottom prices for some items in our area like milk, potatoes, etc. i also printed off deals this week for Walgreen's and rite aid, highlighted the funny words (ESR? lol) and put an explanation for each.

i really hope they can both get in to this notion of being frugal and change their situation, she really needs to get the BF on-board. it's just hard AND frustrating to see people living beyond their means and almost being lazy and apathetic towards everything (this isn't her...he is creating a bad situation by his actions)

but it also got me thinking about what many ladies have talked about and that would be organizing a coupon class for a small fee possibly to cover some expenses and to make a small profit...I think it'd be fun and could help so many people!

but if i taught a bunch of people how to coupon would they get all my deals at Wags before I could?! :)


Friday, January 16, 2009


i've always loved these cards. in fact some are hanging on my fridge as i type this.

this is one of my favorites.

a new blog.

so i've been posting on M and her frugal freedom all of about a month and already have made a new blog!

i was thinking about it and i don't want to limit myself to just frugalness... well being frugal is at the very core of me and so it can't help being infused in to all aspects of my life but! i just wanted to have the arena to share things like...making new curtains... lol... ALONG with super awesome deals and tips.

so as of now, i will use this blog as my main arena.
