Friday, March 27, 2009


I have about 6 different term papers to write, a fifty page journal to complete, research to start on policies for a volunteer position I am in, internship resumes to fill out, basic homework, GRE[graduate record's a placement test for grad programs] studying to do, a writing portfolio to complete, and a pile of laundry waiting for me...but dang it! I am going out; it's FRIDAY after all! My HW will have to wait till tomorrow afternoon :)


ps: my DBF is playing in his band tonight and I am collecting the cover with my GF (guys tend to give extra when girls are collecting the cover) sooo the bar gives us free drinks. Can't beat FREE drinks and food :)


  1. I hope you enjoyed your night out. Good luck getting everything done! I am wishing you really GOOD LUCK on yoru GRE's!

  2. thank you precious!! I did have fun. I am sooo swamped right now and am up everynight till at least one with school work on top of work so it was nice to go out for an evening. and after it was all said and done my GF and I ended the night with $10 profit :) and i am really, really nervous about my GRE's I'll be taking the first round in we'll see!

